KLABOOM Big Update - 04/03/18

Throughout the past monthI have been double-checking and triple checking everything about this game. The game has undergone major changes. The following are the updates:
New Name, New theme
I aimed for something more colourful. Previously, the game was too monochrome and had a story which was mostly text-based. I realised that the story adds little value to the game so I took it out. This meant that I have more time improving the gameplay experience, which is what this game is all about.
I went for a theme that is vibrant, bright and playful, which suits a casual puzzle game that this game is.
I thought long and hard about a name. I wanted a onomatopoeia for a name because the game involves collisions and explosions. I also thought of names for the object you drag in the game. Blocks came to mind but that was too simple. So I (kinda) turned the backwards to make Klob. Eventually, I came up with the name Kloboom.
Meet the Kloboom family!!
Tutorials and more helpful game mechanics
I've created a tutorial going over all aspects of the game. I've also made it so that some KLOBS turn red when they are near anything that they find dangerios - i.e. if they collide with it, it'll be game over and you'll have to start again. The screenshot above illustrates this.
Better intuitive controls
Initially I wanted controls/mechanics to be slingshot-like (similar to angry birds). Through playtesting, however, I soon found out that this types of controls is not intuitive. It is much better to drag and point to the direction you want the object to go to. Hence, I implemented that.
New Main Menu
Instead of having a generic main menu like every other game, I opted for something different. This involves buttons floating around
Animations everywhere
I tried to make everything in the game move because it looks and feels interesting. For example, if you click on a Klob/Klobie, it animates by sizing up and down, which also acts as player feedback. Even UI elements like the “You lose” message is animated. Here are some animated GIFs: https://imgur.com/a/vwAgk.
Timeline so far...
Basic Prototyping: I coded the main functionality of the game and made a few sprites.
My first ever Finished prototype: I went for a matrix-like theme. I concentrsted too heavily on the theme of coding an named the game initially OPLUS, which is a fictional programming language. I also made a story related to the game. However, I got the impression that the theme seemed bit boring too most people.
The present : Is what you see at the very top.
What I believed helped me so far:
- Being part of a gamejam - This gave me a goal to finish a game (or try to) before a deadline. As a result, i got a ton of things done although the game itself was far buggy at the time. Plus, gamejam communities are lively, social and very helpful - it keeps you going.
- Concentrating on one key mechanic - As a beginner gamedev, i fealt that adding more mechaincs will be adding more code= more complexity.
- Writing and planning code before anything else - This game is a very code-heavy game. Knowing this, I started writing code down on Notepad++, to build a framework that will minimise bugs. From past experiance of failed unreleased prototypes, I gave up because I was unable to combine different events/mechanics together in script.
- Make multiple external backups/Google Drive or equivalent - just in case computer freezes.
- Learning simple photoshoping/inkscape.
What I would've done differently:
- Think about the target platform beforehand - I beleive the mechanics of my game will suit android/ios users. However, I made it for the PC, Mac of Linux. The possibilty is there for deploying to mobile but a lot of tweeks are needed.
- Start smaller - I thought this project was small. I have not yet finished making a game. Starting off with something like a pong or flappy bird variant could have acted as a first step to finishing a game quicker.
- Question some of my game designs - For example, I initially included a story in my puzzle game as well as jumpscares. It took me a while to realise that they dont add anything to the overall experiance.
In the next coming week or two I plan to playtest the game thoroughly and make necessary changes. One thing I definately need to focus on is music. Depending on the feedback, I will formulate a roadmap that will keep you updated till the game’s launch. Ideally I would like to release it on PC (possibly android/ios) before June.
Get KLOBOOM - Collision Based Puzzle Game
KLOBOOM - Collision Based Puzzle Game
Klobbom is a collision based puzzle game
Status | In development |
Author | itsMo |
Genre | Puzzle |
Tags | Casual, Difficult, My First Game Jam, Relaxing |
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- New Character Design! Better UI - Update 04/02/2018Feb 04, 2018
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